Thursday, September 17, 2009



自从爸爸动手术后,一直都还在担心着爸爸的康复状况。刚好这时候我们也正在积极准备申请PR的事情,凑巧又遇上澳洲财政年结束,需要为退税的事情忙。 再加上婚期也越来越近了,开始加紧筹备婚礼,心里的负担一下子多了,不禁想痛痛快快地大唱 “最近比较烦,比较烦,比较烦...”~~


解决了一桩心事后,事情好像也跟着顺畅起来。终于收到久等的Medicare Levy Exemption Certificate, 总算可以把退税表一并交上去了。很好,又完成了一件事情。

至于PR申请事宜,好不容易,申请表格呈上去了,该附上的文件也附上了,就只剩下马来西亚的Letter of Good Conduct(Police Clearance)。前几天致电到位于澳洲首府Canberra的Malaysia High Commission预约了时间,06/10/2009(星期二),需要向公司申请例假到那里去办理这份文件的申请手续。适逢10月5号是澳洲的劳动节,所以那个周末正好有3天的假期,于是我们打算提早几天到Canberra小住,顺便参观正在举行的周年花展及到处逛逛。也因为这样,我们又开始忙着找住宿,租车及安排行程等,结果忙上加忙,名副其实的没事找事做~ :p


想到这里,我还真想来首 “最近比较烦”, 或者更够力一点的....

“烦啊烦啊烦得不能呼吸~~烦啊烦啊烦得歇斯底里, 烦啊~我烦啊!!!"


Kelly said...

别那么紧张啦! 尽量放松自己, 不然就不能美美咯! 至于婚纱可以再挑其他款式啊! 爸爸肯定会没事!至于如果要布置婚宴的礼堂, 听说beaufort有这种service ! 你可以麻烦一下姐姐帮忙问一下费用!
好啦! 我也不啰哩吧嗦啦! 要睡觉啦! 晚安! 要实再睡不好,就麻烦你的dear helps u to make a gup of hot milk la !! sleep dream ya!!

流浪汉 瑜伽 Yoga Tramp said...


《大马部落》 said...



服饰:smart casual 


由于这次的出席名额有限,所以如果你欲出席这个活动,麻烦在9月25日(星期五)前电邮 告知出席人数,我们自9月26日起会开放给公众报名出席这个活动。


筹委会 草

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just read on your blog that you recently applied for a Letter of Good Conduct. I'll need to get one soon. Unfortunately, I don't live anywhere close to Canberra. :-( So I really need to do it properly. I was wondering if you could tell me what documents are required other than application forms, photocopies of passport and IC,.... and what is the process like?.... Any advice?... Thank you for your help!! :-)

buoy said...

dear Kelly,
谢谢你的安慰和鼓励,我心情好多了,爸爸也好多了~ ^.^ 最高兴的就是你大老远都愿意前来参加wedding dinner~ Looking forward to seeing you soon dear~

流浪汉 瑜伽 Yoga Tramp,
谢谢你的祝福~ 爸爸好多了 :)
Best wishes to you too~

Hello, yea we've just came back from our Canberra trip last weekend. I'm happy to share whatever I know with you. We just prepared those documents as listed in the High Commission website as follow:

First you have to call them to make an appointment. If time allows, I would suggest you to appoint the earliest time possible, say 9 in the morning so that you can get the letter arond noon the same day. It's better to reach there earlier, as we have to queue up and take a number. Then we will be served by one of the officer in sequence. After he/she served all the ppl in queue for Letter of Good Conduct application, then only they will proceed to the next session, where we will be called for a short interview with the consular. And after the consular finished interviewing everyone, only then they will process the letter and grant it to us. We received our letter around 12 something if not mistaken, and we waited there at the office for the entire process. Some applicants left for lunch, and they were not there when the officer distribute the final letter, so it's advisable to just wait there until you get the letter. Or else, the officer will go out for lunch and you would have to wait until he/she comes back from lunch before you can get the letter.

One more thing, the nasi lemak sold at the office was quite authentic and delicious! Make sure you get one if you like nasi lemak, it costs $5 per box~ :D

Feel free to email me or leave a comment here if you need further information~ All the best for your application and wish you a safe and smooth trip to Canberra~